
Keep the dogs at bay



7 Years

03-13-2016, 10:36 AM
ugh I just realized I am late with this, I am so sorry...

As Tinaro set his defenses, he too lowered himself into a fighters stance. His legs were set an equal distance apart, his head lowering to align with his spine as his tail rose to do the same. His toes spread as his claws bit into the earth, legs bending slightly as his shoulders rolled forward. Ears pressed flat against his skull as Bass' golden eyes narrowed, hackles raising along his spine. At last he evened out his weight to be evenly spread across all limbs. It was that moment that Tinaro charged forward, and Bass took a side step to his left. First his left front leg and back leg took one step to the left, and his right front and back leg quickly did the same. He stepped just wide enough to put them shoulder to shoulder. Tinaro's left shoulder met the front of his right shoulder, a moderate bruise spreading at the impact site. He flinched lightly from the pain, but gritted his teeth and pushed passed it. He was for sure getting old, this hurt more than it used to in his springy youth. As he saw Tinaro's head stretch for his own, Bass' jaws quickly unhinged as he sought to stop the headbutt by attempting to bite at the boy's face. Bass' head tilted towards his own left, his top jaw seeking the left side of Tinaro's muzzle while his bottom jaw sought the right side of his muzzle. He was aiming for about an inch above the nose, hopefully obtaining a grip on his face. He didn't wish to hurt the younger man too much though, so he tried to focus his pressure across the hardier side's of the bridge of his nose, and not the loose, thin skin of his lips. This would also hopefully stop Tinaro from biting him, countering the bite to his own cheek.

He had been so focused on stopping the bite that he didn't notice that the youth's paw had rose. Bass let out a growl as Tinaro's paw slammed on top of his own front left paw, moderate bruising spreading across his entire foot. He quickly shifted his weight towards his right, taking a bit of pressure off of his now bruised paw. He knew that this would effect his balance, leaving him open to being toppled over. Snarling, Bass jutted out his left shoulder and tried to ram it upwards, hoping to hit Tinaro at the base of his neck where it met his chest. Bass hoped to keep the top bony portion of his shoulder at his point to cause discomfort, hopefully making the younger man back off a bit. Not able to think of anything else to do, Bass waited for a further attack.

Round 1 of 2
