
[P] When The Bunnies Go Dancing



4 Years
03-13-2016, 02:12 PM

As he shifted over to give her room, she elegantly seated herself by him, slightly angling her body so she could face him. She wanted to make a good impression on her new pack-mates, especially the heir of Celestial. An heir - she pondered that position for a moment. It sounded important, though foreign to her ears. Threar never had an heir, if she remembered the ranks correctly. Why not? Hadn't any of her siblings been worthy enough to lead the pack in the future? Her brother would have been picked; diplomacy came so easily to him. The thought of the mocha male brought a small smile to her features, memories flooding back to her. No heir or heir, it didn't matter. There wasn't much left of a Threar to lead anyway.

"I'm well, thank you," she answered with a courteous dip of her skull. "And how are you today?" She wanted to be polite - and certainty not rude - by keeping the conversation going and convincing him she was the perfect mentor for his sister. She had to look smart, intelligent. Trying to keep eye contact with the younger male, she listened intently to his suggestions. Progressing with prey, learning how to track and scent - seemed like an ideal plan to her. It covered many areas of the field. However, she felt the need to add something. She wanted to contribute, after all. "Learning how to find the direction of the wind and travel upwind, as well as camouflaging scent are also essential, I reckon. A bit later on, though." When he mentioned Celestial's first hunt, she cracked a smile. It would be a good opportunity to review her skills and abilities. "The more the better," she commented with a chuckle.
