
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action



6 Years
03-14-2016, 02:13 PM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage would grin his brilliant grin as Mortar spoke. Oh what a child! Brave, though his voice did have that uncertainty. He would quickly nod his head as Glacier praised him, pointing a toothy grin in the boys direction. He was proud of Mortar and his involvement in the family, even if he did get into trouble with Ray. But that was mainly the girls fault, wasn't it? He listened intently as his family joined in, discussing where to take the debris and what to do with it. It was all sensible, and he was proud at how they handled it. This was what Donostrea was about. They were a group, a family.

He would nod his head along with the rest of the family, looking at each of them in turn as he spoke, the gears in his head spinning. He'd glance in his brother's direction, wondering what he was thinking, but it wasn't hard to know his brother would be proud too. Everything was going well, wasn't it? He'd look back at everyone, about to complete the plans so that they could get to work when Lior spoke up. Stormy eyes would settle on the young female, a small and rare frown appearing on his face. He would let out a small breath before he smiled again, standing to step towards the girl. He'd look down at Ray for a moment before looking at Anais before turning warm stormy eyes towards the healer. "You aren't trapped here, Lior." He said in a soft voice, looking at her. It was meant mainly for her. "I wish we could have helped you more than we had. I am sorry." He smiled softly, tilting his head. "You are a grown woman, Lior. It's not my job to tell you whether you can stay or go." He'd look at Anais then before turning back to Lior. "Perhaps it's a discussion you should have with your sister, not with me." He'd smile warmly then before turning back to his spot by Glacier.

Clearing his throat, he'd set the meeting back to focus and look around. His smile would return full force then. "Excellent ideas everyone!" He said happily, looking at all his siblings with pride. "I agree with Gale. We should begin with the dens. We are fine if the beach is a bit...cluttered for a little while, but we need place to sleep. We'll start with the family den first and move out. I'm sure we don't mind bunking with one another for a night if we need to." He'd grin so brightly then. Oh no, Voltage never minded that. "We should take anything we can up to the praries to bury it. Terrae and Glacier, why don't you two dig the hole, you're both the biggest of us so it shouldn't be a problem." He'd nod his head and look to everyone. "We'll be split into teams there after. If you find any thing that might look like a herb, we'll make a pile in Terrae's den and he can sort through it. Though, you might get a lot of seaweed, Brother." He said with a deep laugh, grinning before he hummed lightly. Teams.  "Once the main den is cleared and the hole is dug, we will split into two teams. Locha, Gale, Glacier, Terrae and myself can handle the beach and the waters." He'd look at them all hoping that no one would protest. "Ani, can you and the children, Selini and Solaris clear out the dens and sort through what you find for any herbs or anything we collect or need?" His pretty rocks for example. He'd look to Lior then and smile softly. "If you would like to help, you can. Pick a team if you'd like. But if not, that's fine as well."

Sorry for the delay...again! This marks the beginning of the next round. You all have one week from the date this was posted, so please post by March 21st!. And this time I /will/ reply to this on a very timely basis. Thank you.