
Captivate me



6 Years
03-17-2016, 06:41 PM

Soleil hadnt expected the catch she heard in his breathing, nire had she expected him to lean forward so far that it looked like he might fall in to her had he not pulled away and steadied himself. What she had never dreamed of, could never even have imagined, being disappointed by the fact that he hadnt litterally fallen for her...or on her. Xeph, aside from knowing his name and that he was attracted to her, was a complete stranger. Oh how her siblings would scold her for this one, but for now she had biger problems.

The first of thise problems was that she couldnt find any of her siblings the second be self control. Though she had never had a problem before, she was currently having a hard time keeping herself in place. She wanted to run her sides along his, to leave her scent and keep other woman away. She wanted to lay clame to the man in every way she could, excluding the way that coukd result in a currently unwanted litter...not that she didnt eventually want children.

The touch of his muzzle against her's brought her attention outward and tipped her muzzle towards his only for him to hold himself just out of her reach. Low vocals would earn him another look of confusion quickly followed by annoyance ans he started to walk away from her. What the hell he wasn't aloud to leave her yet...she hadnt marked him as her own.

Just as quickly as the thought had entered her mind it would leave to be replaced with curiosity as she realized he wanted her to follow him. Though she found it hard to resist the temptation she would still hesitate for a few seconds before moving forward to rub her left side againced his right. The entire time her side touched his she wondered if he would realize this was her telling any other woman that came near him to back off. She couldnt have a full conversation with him yet but this man was her's and she wasnt sharing. "votre amour mien." the barely audible words 'your mine love' would leave her maw. Though barely audible Soleil was sure the man could hear her.