
These Lands Are Your Lands



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2016, 05:38 PM

A call for healers. It rang out in her brothers sonorous voice, grabbing her attention from the outskirts of their territory. Interesting, to say the least. There was a shortage of them in the pack, and while the celestial titan had dabbled in it as a child, she had found adventures to be far more entertaining. Who had time for herbs and potions when the world was waiting to be seen? This meant that, when her brother inevitably injured himself, she was lacking in the skills to help. That was never good. A soft sigh would pass her inky lips as she spun on a heel, tracking the sound to its source. If there were lessons in order, she might as well attend. Were it something else, she was curious nonetheless. Keeping her head low and posture casual, she trotted along the borders toward her brother's call. Who would be providing healing for them?

She came upon her brother standing beside a... rabbit? No, not quite that small. The tail was the same, but everything else was wrong. She smelled foreign as well, but there was the distinct clusterfuck scent of a pack bleeding from her coat. Was there a threat posed here? No, she was far too small to be a real worry, though the possibility of ambush was present with such a lovely little decoy. Amethyst orbs flicked to the form of her sibling, who looked completely at ease. Alright then, things seemed calm. The cosmic dame tracked her gaze over the petite form of the pallid woman, who was similar in size to their own little hobbit. Speaking of which, Faria had been distinctly lacking in presence lately. Busy with children, as per usual, but seriously! There was always time to be made for family, even just to chat without wee ones to annoy you. The violet toned femme cast her gaze now to the stranger standing in their midst. A mere child! She didn't recognize him, but Mithras had been taking in more stray children than he probably should. Curse that good heart of his. A dark pelt, with interesting golden flecks that could look like the stars, if one were inclined to believe that. Altogether, rather pleasant to look upon.

"Mith," The goliath greeted her brother warmly, padding closer to press her snout into the soft fur of his ruff. She glanced over at the strange woman, deciding to check on how things were with her brother. "А кој е тоа? Дали има нешто што треба да го знае тоа, пред да продолжите?" She questioned in a barely there whisper, close to his ear. The woman didn't make an effort to hide her mistrust and vague aggression, as was her natural state. She directed her full attention to the russet-crowned female, trying for something that could have been a smile. "Greetings," She crooned, audits tentatively low. "I am Caia, Symvoulos of Argead." It was a rough greeting, betraying her continued inability to fully grasp the common tongue. It was in part due to apathy, as she wasn't much for social interaction as a whole. However, learning the language was becoming increasingly important, and she was beginning to become annoyed with herself.

"Talk" "You" Think