
adjustments to be made



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2016, 06:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2016, 06:22 PM by Caia.)

Her brother was such an earnest creature, full of wonder and love. It was both glorious and horribly irritating, depending on the day. She snorted, smirking at the sky above them. Mith was a father, and he was pretty good at it, all things considered. The celestial femme hummed her acknowledgement to his speech, pressing her paw into his flank reassuringly. "I understand, brother mine. I can almost guarantee that father was not who he used to be once we were born, just as you are no longer quite the same." She murmured, tugging his ear between her teeth lightly. It took her a moment to gather her train of thought, and put it back on the rails. Her grip on his ear was lost, and she resumed her musings. "We will never be able to forget the traumas of our past, unfortunately. Perhaps, indeed, what we are working toward here, while it may never redeem the horrors of home, can redeem us within the eyes of ourselves." She sighed, resting her chin atop his head.

He continued to speak, insisting that she was welcome to leave. A rumbling laugh burst from her throat, and she thumped him roughly in the ribs. "You will never be rid of me, brother mine! If I left you again, you might flood this poor continent with your spawn, and where would the world be then?" She chuckled, shaking her head. What a concept! He offered another solution, and her approval rumbled from her chest in a thoughtful hum. "That does sound like a good idea, doesn't it?" She giggled, taking the opportunity to press a slobbery kiss to his cheek and bound to her feet.

"Now, enough of this boring talk! Last one to the river gets pushed in!" She laughed, practically dancing in place. She gave her brother what she thought to be ample time to get up, and was off like a bullet from a gun. It had been so long since they'd played their games! Even a king needed to let loose sometimes, right? The feeling of her paws pounding the earth was wondrous, and jubilation bubbled in Caia's veins.

"Talk" "You" Think