
Strong Are We



9 Years
Athena I
03-15-2016, 02:27 AM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2016, 02:27 AM by Crucible.)
He wasn't sure what had brought him out here. You'd think with all the travel he had done recently he'd be ready to settle down for a moment and keep his paws still, but he just couldn't let himself settle down in Creed's pack without reacquainting himself Alacritis. He took his travels much more leisurely now, not pushing himself much at all and resting often. That was really the key to traveling any distance now that he was older. His push to follow his brother's trail had nearly broken him. But after a few days rest he was ready to go again. He had spotted this island from the shore and curiosity pulled him toward it. The swim really wasn't too bad. It was short and the water actually helped get the pressure off his joints for a little bit. Getting back out of the water once he reached the shore wasn't quite as easy, but he managed it fine.

He shook out his thick fur, giving off a spray of salt water droplets and leaving his coat clumped and spiky in places. He let his pale green gaze drift across his surroundings for a moment before he began to slowly make his way down the coast, his large paws leaving a trail of paw prints behind him. The island was beautiful enough, but he was quickly distracted from it when he saw a mostly gray form ahead of him. Her eyes seemed to be closed but as he got closer he quickly noticed the markings that trailed up the front portions of her legs and down her back. He had been away from his family for far too long and his memories from his younger days were fuzzy at times, but there was no mistaking those markings. He grew extremely curious as he made his way over to her. He stopped several feet away, not wanting to startle her. "S'cuse me, miss?" he'd ask, his voice a deep rumble and mildly rough from lack of use.