
Soul Reflections


03-15-2016, 10:19 PM

He was a wanderer by heart, but his travels often left him lonely. Still, he liked his freedom sometimes, but the social creature that he was often begged for socialization. The Titan moved among the lands, his brightly splashed pelt doing well to stick out. Dual toned eyes searched the new place he had come to set foot on, the male gaining a sense of awe at the surreal feeling of the place. He was curious, the scent of others had passed recently but whether they came or went was not really his concern.

Massive paws stepped quietly as he walked, the scenery around him not changing too much the further he went. Before too long, he would detect the stronger scents of others, his senses alert for any surprises. However, as he drew closer to the center of the territory, he spotted a grey toned female, and beyond her position a very brightly colored...thing. Another wolf? He averted his eyes slightly away from the red eyesore, his pelt unnatural bright. While his own was a collection of varying colors, he was glad his wasn't that bright.

Stopping a comfortable distance from the two, he watched the agitated woman and wondered what could have made her upset. Was the other male bothering her? Or something else? Uttering a soft bark to announce his presence, he chose to take on a non threatening posture, though still confident. "Are you alright, miss?"

"What I Say" "What I Heard" What I Think