
Do we regret



6 Years
03-16-2016, 12:56 AM
Voltage had been resting infront of his den, soaking in the last rays of warmth and resting his body and mind so he might spend a few hours on the cliffs with his sister. He didn't need much sleep, but the past year he had learned the joys of rest. It had been unfamiliar to him for most of his life, and still he couldn't get a decent night sleep because he fidgetted himself awake, or his mind reeled too quickly to allow himself more than a few broken hours. But rest, rest was nice. He could lay still for longer than he had been able to before, and soak in the sun rays. He still moved quickly, his paws continued to fidget and twitch even as he laid there, but it gave him enough rest to recharge so he could spend the hours he needed too with his siblings, with his children, with his family. Each year it grew and grew and it only meant Voltage had to be smarter about his time. But he made it work, he always made it work.

He blinked when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and his body moved before he could process it. Subconciously he knew, instantly, that something was wrong with his Big Brother, and he would always go to him. It didn't take long for his mind to catch up, and by then he was halfway to the cliffs, watching as Glacier began climbing along something new. Had that been washed away by the flood? Shaking the curiosity away, he quickly moved along after him, beginning the climb up the muddy thing. "Glace?" He called softly, his voice gentle. Glacier showing such vivid emotion was rare for him, and it was so strong he could almost cry. He was always so intune with his brother, ever since the very first day, that he knew when he was upset by the very twitch of his brow. But this...this was like inhailing the pollen of a flower, the scent so strong and overpowering it nearly knocked you off your face. He managed to pull himself up to the place where his brother perched, shifting to sit near him in the lack of room. Invited or not, Voltage was here. Without a word he'd lay down against Glacier and stare up at him, his eyes soft and lips set in a small frown as he stared. He didn't say another word, his look said it all. Something was wrong, and they would talk about it. They always did.

"Burn Baby Burn"