
These Lands Are Your Lands



6 Years

03-16-2016, 01:30 AM

The ebony-coated wild woman would perk at the sound of a howl, stretching out all of her legs as she lay in the grass, her tail flopping lazily. It sounded like Mithras calling to the pack. Not another meeting? No, the tone was different, a curious beckoning. The tone implied a call for a lesson, and the message was sent to summon healers. But were there any healers in this pack? It didn't seem like it. Bored of lounging, and wanting desperately to fill her time with activity before she left on another adventure, she figured she ought to go see what was up. She pushed herself to her paws and set off, not bothering to shake the grass from her fur. She would have to groom her coat properly and bathe in the clear river some other time.

Her paws carried her swiftly across the valley to the outskirts of the territory. It seemed a strange place to gather, but as she approached the small group of wolves, she realized why. There was a stranger amongst them, someone with the scent of another pack on her fur. Her brows furrowed together as she got closer, hoping there wasn't something bad going on. Although, everyone seemed pretty calm, and the unfamiliar woman on their borders looked cheery. She supposed it made sense that the visitor was not causing a problem, since the howl sent up for the pack had not sounded urgent at all.

Just then she noticed the brat Itri, standing on the other side of Mithras. He was interested in healing? That seemed like an odd calling for such a reserved, anti-social boy like him, but maybe she was just judging him too harshly. Sneaking around to the other side of the Vasilias where Itri stood, and she placed herself at the black and gold boy's left side, thwacking him on the hip with her tail to get his attention, knowing he probably wouldn't say anything to her. She grinned at him, before looking to the happy-go-lucky stranger who seemed to be the center of attention at this gathering. Esa herself wasn't particularly interested in learning about healing, but she supposed a little bit of knowledge wouldn't hurt. And it might give her a chance to continue to get to know her pack mates.

"Speak" "Listen" Think