


03-16-2016, 03:31 PM

This was the first time he had made his way toward the northern part of Alacritis since he arrived here and he couldn't say he would have to begin with if it wasn't summer. He padded slowly through the pines, his gray hued form blending in with the darkness of the night around him. Not even the moon gave him much light to see by tonight, but there seemed to be little if anything in his way here. The trees were spaced out and there were few other obstacles to worry about. His ears flicked as he listened for anything around him that might possibly take his mind off his own thoughts. Seneca, Isolde, his father... All of his ghosts tugged at him tonight. A soft growl escaped him before he could bite it back as he shook his head to clear it. This was why he constantly needed company. This is why he couldn't be alone. He sniffed the air curiously, hoping he might catch some stranger's scent to entertain him. He had tried to sleep and his thoughts had only just chased him into his dreams. Catching a faint hint of a wolf's scent he turned his path further into the pines to follow it.

"Talk" "You" Think