
mixin vodka with caffeine



2 Years
03-16-2016, 11:40 PM
A crooked smile graced Arivae's lips. She admittedly loved seeing him worked up like this. Especially when it came to his size or his effect on the ones he loved. It made her giddy inside, knowing that he cared so much about his family and friends. She was also quite happy to hear that his mothers were fairing well. They had been going through some rough times lately, with a majority of their kids disappearing on them and other situations she was oblivious to, but their new pups seemed to distract them. At least, according to Tiburtius. But she believed him. Pups were hard to ignore, especially when they were your own. Speaking of those two lovely girls, she hadn't visited them yet. It was definitely on her list of things to do after she recovered from the illness that had plagued her.

But his concerned words made her laugh a bit. It was throaty and weak, but she laughed, and that was something she hadn't done in quite a while. Tiburtius made her smile and laugh at the darkest of times. Even when he, himself, was upset. He had the ability to make her heart drum rapidly in her chest. Arivae drew her nose close to his face and kissed his cheek as both a friendly and reassuring gesture. Well, not friendly. More like, "You're mine, so let me love all over you" kind of gesture. If only she could right now. It'd be a little weird asking him herself...she'd much rather have him do it on her own. Read her mind or...something. Even if he could right now wasn't the time. It was family talk. Then snuggles. "I'm sure you'll be fine. Pups are full of energy. I don't think they'd let themselves stay still long enough for you to step on them." She hummed in reply, her blue eyes beaming with amusement and excitement.

Out of the blue, Arivae crawled toward her big blue partner, settling down beside him and leaning against him. She shut her wide blue eyes and kissed into his fluffy neck silently. She was content with staying like this forever, really. She would if she could. She would if she didn't have a part to play in the pack, or family to check on, or a body to take care of. But it was alright. She would treasure every moment with him, even if they didn't include any sweet, romantic stuff.