
Take my loaded gun away


03-17-2016, 10:47 PM

Her silver gaze traced over the strange structures around her curiously as she moved around them, her paws moving lightly over the ground as her hips swayed with each movement. Her expression was thoughtful was she examined them even though her thoughts were about anything and everything other than these wooden structures. She wondered where her family members were, what they might be doing right now, if they were even still alive. She sighed softly and shook her head as she pushed the thoughts aside. She had to move on. If they ever reappeared she would be ecstatic. But she had spent too long now looking for them.

As she passed an opening of another one of these buildings she caught a vaguely familiar scent and she slowed to a halt in front of the doorway. She glanced into it curiously, carefully peeking around the wall to spot the man in question studying something on the wall. She chuckled softly, a slight smirk touching her lips. "Well, isn't this a surprise," she commented as she stepped closer. "I wasn't expecting to run into you again, Rivaxorus."

"Talk" "You" Think