
On the Long Way Down



9 Years
Athena I
03-17-2016, 11:31 PM

Kalliope listened to his answer while she followed along beside him and did her part to help them search for water. She chuckled softly as well, an easy grin touching her lips. "I can understand that," she commented, her memories flashing back to the time she had been exploring and nearly walked over the edge of a cliff. She had caught herself luckily and Aki had been there to ensure she navigated away from it, but it had taught her very quickly that the lands here were much different that the place she had lived before. She had known the area around where her father and adopted siblings lived like the back of her paw, but coming here had presented a whole new set of challenges.

He turned the question back on her and she chuckled at herself as well as she thought of an answer. "Well, as with most places I end up, I didn't know where I was going till I got here. I can't say this would have been my first choice if I had known I'd end up somewhere so baren." Her ears turned this way and that while she listened for any little sounds of water splashing or bubbling. She let him work on sniffing some out and she listened, figuring their sense of smell was probably pretty close to even but she knew from experience that her sense of hearing was much sharper than most.

Her paws brushed against the ground as they walked, feeling over the smooth ground to ensure each step was a good one. She didn't really have to concentrate on it though, it was a natural movement for her now. "Do you live near here?" she asked just to have something to keep the conversation going on. She could smell a pack's scent on his fur, but it wasn't one she could recognize. She didn't know too many of the pack scents, but it wasn't one of the ones that had been around the one she had been a part of anyway.

"Talk" "You" Think