
Sun and the Stars



8 Years
Athena I
03-18-2016, 02:15 AM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2016, 02:16 AM by Solaris.)

I think I've lost control

ooc: it didn't really say, but I'm assuming it's night cause stars lol

It wasn't often that he was awake after the sun went down. He'd much rather wake up and go to sleep with the sun. But here he was, wide awake. He wasn't entirely sure why, but there seemed to be nothing to change it now. He got to his paws with a little shake of his fur and he padded quietly through the family's cave to make his way up to the cliff. He figured if nothing else maybe he could find his twin and spend some time with her. Even after her return it seemed like they hadn't seen much of each other. He knew that was mostly because of their differing sleep schedules. It was hard sometimes, knowing that he was so attached to the daylight when most of his litter was so attached to the night.

When he reached the top of the cliff he quickly noticed that Selini was no where to be seen, but he was pleasantly surprised to see his starry sister laying near the edge of their cliff on her back. He smiled as he padded over toward her, his tail wagging behind him. He had heard her howl when she returned, but he hadn't had a chance to really speak with her yet. "Well hello there, starlight," he greeted happily, coming over to settle on his haunches beside her. He tipped his head up toward the sky, peering at the sky as she had been moments before. "Anything interesting in the skies tonight?"

please don't hold me back