
You don't pay it no mind


03-19-2016, 11:10 PM

Her chocolate dipped toes touched the edge of the cliff that dropped down into the stretch of ocean below. The wind ruffled her tri-toned fur and she lifted her head with her silver gaze closed to enjoy it. She appreciated the cooling breeze after walking in this summer heat all day. She was lucky to have most of her fur be white so it didn't trap so much heat, but even still today in particular had been very warm. The sun was just beginning its trip toward the horizon and she'd open her eyes just enough to look out over the horizon and see the sky slowly starting to soak up more shades of oranges and reds.

From here the horizon filled almost her entire field of view. The cliff was only visible in the very edges of her vision. She wondered if this was what birds saw all the time. She carefully stepped back from the edge then, taking a few steps backwards before turning around with a flick of her tail. With the cliff's edge behind her she started slowly padding back into the thick of the forest around her. Her paws moved slowly, her hips swaying with each step. She was in no hurry or rush. Why would she be? She had no one to answer to, no where to go... She missed having her family around her and she missed the company a pack constantly offered, but she had to admit this loner thing was pretty nice at times.

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