
Sorry catches no prey

Bright Moon


6 Years
03-19-2016, 11:47 PM
OOC: This hunt lesson will be for anyone Student age and younger. I know many of us are on absence/scarcity right now so I won't rush this one - join in at any time, I will wait roughly 2 weeks from now for the first round (April 2nd - unless everyone is still on absence and needs more time).

Bright Moon had spent days alone, unsure of who to approach and nervous of meeting anyone new. So, as usual, she kept to herself, hunting just enough to sustain herself. But she knew that her place in this pack was an important one, and she needed to follow through on her responsibilities. The others were depending on it while they fulfilled other duties - they needed a fresh caught meal to await them after border patrol, herb hunting and anything else they were up to. Bright knew that she needed to stop pitying herself and get to work, just like everyone else. Though anxiety clung to her heart and dragged her downward, she knew there was something she could do. Today would not be the day to provide a large, filling meal for all, but the task she set for herself was important all the same.

She would teach the young wolves of the pack how to hunt. It would be a good place to start, as there were many pups and plenty of younger members in the pack that needed attention. Bright had raised so many young ones, whether her own litters or pups she had adopted, that it came as second nature for her to interact with and teach pups. She could give them a strong foundation to work with, to improve upon their scenting, tracking and stalking skills. So, the silver, fox-coated woman would tilt back her head, her lips forming into the shape of an 'O' and she released a howl that called for the pack's youth. This was something she could look forward to, and she hoped to see some eager students showing up soon.