
The hottest girl in heels


03-20-2016, 07:08 PM

ooc: just gonna go ahead and mark this mature xD

Gethin shook out his fur irritably as he paused to look around the rocky landscape he found himself in. His constant wondering had landed him in what was possibly one of the hottest places he had ever visited. So far he hadn't found a reason to visit here again. Or stay for more than a few minutes for that matter. He trudged onward, sticking close to anything that might cast a shadow and give him a little reprieve from the sun. He noticed though that the sun didn't seem to be the source for the worst of the heat. The rocks under his feet were surprisingly warm and were the most unexpected source of heat at as well.

He spotted a cave up ahead and moved toward it, figuring that if nothing else he could duck out of the sun and head back down this mountain of sorts once night had fallen. It was pretty late in the afternoon now so it wouldn't be more than a couple of hours anyway. However, as he got closer to the cave a woman's scent caught his attention and he paused, sniffing the air curiously. Well, perhaps there was a reason for him to stick around here after all. He began padding toward the stranger's scent, keeping an eye out for its owner all the while.

"Talk" "You" Think