
Little Talks [M]


03-20-2016, 08:30 PM

Gethin's ears would flick at the sound of her breathless moan, the sound sending a tremble of white hot heat through him. He'd never met a girl quite like her, that was for sure. He spotted her grin at his words and a smirk touched his lips in return. His tail flicked back and forth behind him, trying his best to hold himself back for just a bit longer. He kept telling himself to make this last and enjoy this woman and their chance meeting because he had no idea if they'd ever cross paths again. She had his full attention and he watched as her jaws parted just before her head dipped out of his line of sight. A flash of pain hit him next, flaring up from where her jaws clamped down on his shoulder. He grit his teeth and a growl got pulled from, this one louder than the last. A light shudder ran down his spine and his claws dug into the ground on reflex as her teeth left his skin, her tongue running over the fresh wound adding an extra bit of sting like a punctuation mark at the end of a statement. He felt his blood running down the length of his leg and a wide grin would tug at his lips when her gaze came up to find his once again. Some women were all talk about how they liked things rough, but she was no joke. He'd bring his head to her shoulder then, opening his jaws to bite down where her shoulder and neck met to give her a matching wound. He'd let his teeth slice through her skin till he tasted her blood, letting go just to give a firm lick over the teeth marks and watch her blood stain that pretty white coat of hers before his ruby eyes glanced back up to hers.

"Talk" "You" Think