
The hottest girl in heels


03-20-2016, 11:06 PM

He watched as she stood, tracing the lines of her body while she shook out her fur and it settled back against her form again. When she spoke his eyes were pulled back to hers again and he chuckled at her comment about needing to improve her hiding the next time. Her eyes met his and asked about what brought him here and a small grin would touch his lips. "Oh, your volcano, hm?" He teased with a soft chuckle before he moved on to give her a real answer. "Nothing in particular brings me here really. I've just been wandering and this is where I landed." He looked over her again in a quick glance, a smirk touching his muzzle again. "I'm starting to like your volcano more already," he added. "Meeting someone as hot as the volcano certainly brightens things up a bit." His tail flicked lightly behind him and his ears were focused on her to listen to each word she said, his gaze drifting over her occasionally before always coming back to her gaze. She was quite eye catching after all. Not quite as colorful as that woman he had met in the caves, but he thought he prefered it that way. The purple woman might have been a bit out of the box for his usual tastes. But miss volcano was just different enough to be intriguing.

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