


03-20-2016, 11:16 PM

She was quick to move away and his eyes tracked each movement as she spun to face him with a snarl. Ah, a prickly one. A slight smirk pulled at his lips though it didn't reach his eyes. A low, rumbling chuckle left him at her words while he shifted to face her head on as well. "Perhaps," is all he'd say in response to her question of if he had been following her. Normally he would try to be much more pleasant and unassuming when women were a little more skittish of him, but tonight he just couldn't bring himself to lie. He wasn't sure if it was the late night, the atmosphere, his lack of sleep, or the memories from his past haunting him that made him this way, but he didn't give the situation a second thought. He took a couple steps toward her, but he left a bit of room between them still. He wouldn't push her. Yet. "What makes an amber-eyed beauty such as yourself wander around in the middle of the night?" he'd ask, his tone a smooth rumble. His ruby gaze wouldn't wander from hers too often, his blank gaze fixed on hers while he awaited her answer. He was mildly curious to hear it despite what he'd really like to be doing with her.

"Talk" "You" Think