
The hottest girl in heels


03-21-2016, 03:01 AM

He smirked and chuckled as she insisted that she had one more terrible pickup line to tell. He'd watch her expectantly as she cleared her throat to prepare for this line of the century and as she spoke his smirk widened into a grin both at the ridiculous nature of her joke and how her muzzle brushed his. At least she seemed to be enjoying herself if nothing else. His ears twitched with interest as she told him her name. Serefina. Somehow he had expected something more... spunky for a girl with so much attitude. Serefina was a lovely name, but it seemed a bit to sweet for someone so firey.

He chuckled at the flirtatious tone of her voice as she asked his name in return, punctuated with compliment for him. He'd flash his teeth breifly in a grin at that before he replied. "I'm Gethin. It's nice to meet you Serefina... although I still think I prefer fireball for you." He chuckled softly mostly at himself while he watched her gaze drifting over him. So he wasn't the only one enjoying the view, hm? He chuckled softly again as she shook her head and pulled her gaze back to his. "It's alright, you can stare all you want, fireball. As long as you don't mind me staring back."

"Talk" "You" Think