
The hottest girl in heels


03-21-2016, 12:37 PM

Gethin couldn't help the grin that continually tugged at his lips as their conversation turned more and more toward a flirtatious tone. This was much more what he had been hoping for. He chuckled at her question about his current view and her delicate eyelashes batting over her warm gaze. "Oh certainly." He felt no shame in staring as she stood and stretched out her body, his eyes tracing her form from her head, down her back, all the way to the tip of her tail as it arched over her. It seemed she had more games in store for him than just an exchange of terrible pick up lines. These were games he was much more familiar with and much more willing to play. He'd offer her another toothy grin as she mentioned the cave he had seen before, stepping past him with a flick of her tail under his chin. A chuckle rumbled in his chest and he stood to follow her, adding, "That's a risk I'm willing to take." He wasn't paying much attention to the heat at this point, but he was more than willing to join her. A little relief from the sun would be nice either way. He'd walk along side her, close enough that his shoulder or tail would brush against her occasionally. She wasn't the only one that could flirt around here.

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