
Soft like a bunny

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
03-21-2016, 06:03 PM

Moisture lay nearly hidden in the warm breeze that suddenly whisked through the terra. Was the breeze just passing through or would it bring with it more rain? Her attention shifted back to Mercy as the pale woman spoke. She would nod softly but found herself wondering about Mercy's history for she had always cared for others more than she did herself. Of course when she was young that had only really been Björn. Now that she was in a pack that felt like a community things were different.

You seem to have an answer for everything, Birna

Birna chuckled. "Well, not everything, but I have experienced much of life. I am glad that I am not off-putting. It is good to talk with someone. I have a tendency to keep to myself, I take it you're much the same?" She was getting better about seeking out her packmates and making conversation.

Mercy answered her questions, stating that she fought to get stronger, to be able to protect her pack members as well as to prove herself. She mentioned briefly of feeling as if she were in the shadows much of her life. Birna nodded, she knew something of being shoved into shadows. Having to hide from the new regime, to monitor and control every movement, every motion to prevent raising suspicion. Though she wondered if Mercy meant from a more familial perspective.

"Not unless I beat you"

Birna's head tilted slightly to her left, an amused grin on her face. "Oh? Are we after the same prize?" She didn't mind a little competition and had a feeling that the position of Praetor might be hotly contested. She wouldn't be surprised if there were several others in Imperium with their eyes on that rank. "Skills and ranks can shift as often as the sun rises and falls. If I achieve my goal I've no idea how long my season might last, luck can be as great an aide as skill."

Birna smiled and shook some of the mud from her own coat. "You do not give yourself enough credit Mercy." Her gaze shifted to the sky once more and she frowned at the gathering storm clouds. "Seems we'll be in for another wet night. I'm going to fortify my den. I wish you well Mercy, and if you ever wish to talk feel free seek me out."

-exit Birna-

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