
The hottest girl in heels


03-21-2016, 06:06 PM

Gethin watched with a little amusement at the internal fight that Serefina was obviously having. Her words contradicted what her body was screaming at him. "Well, no one here is stopping you from being in charge," he told her with a chuckle. He tipped his head so he could nibble along her jaw as he added, "But if you listen to your body you may just enjoy it." He watched for any sign that she may disagree with him, but if he didn't receive any he'd go on with his tempting and teasing. He parted his jaws enough to hold the edge of her ear between his teeth, lightly dragging his fangs along the delicate skin before going back to showering her neck and scruff in small licks and nibbles. He had always thought that working women up and making sure that they were enjoying this as much as he was made the whole experience all the better. And more of a challenge. Any brute could tear a woman apart and have their way with them. It was more fun and more rewarding when they wanted it too. He continued his light teasing down her body, tracing the red that was smeared over her back with his nips and licks. Gethin came around behind her and, after glancing up to see if there were any objections, he settled himself over her, holding her body tight to his. A soft growl of anticipation rumbled in his chest as he finally had her, savoring all of his fireball.


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