
Never Far Away



11 Years
03-21-2016, 08:12 PM
Bane's once blind gaze now held it's attention on the position of the sun. It was getting lower. A foreleg came up to grip around his mates shoulder and soothing rubbing motion was applied as Tahlia voiced concern at Anais's words. It was time for their daughter to go, Bane's own brow wrinkling at the words. It was all to soon for the reunited family to be separated again and forced to wait until the time would come again when they could all meet through dreams. Eventually they could all come back either to visit or in a more permanent manner, one that he hoped would be a long way off. Bane could only watch as Tahlia slipped from his embrace to give Anais her goodbyes. A request was made for there other children to be told that they were missed and loved, those words causing Bane's voice to had a wordless tremble as he tried to repeat what Tahlia had said. His daughter came up pressed against him, a fact that he so desperately wished that she didn't feel quite right from when she last touched him as he lay dying caused the old wolf to break down even more. "I love you to."

As soon as the last word was shaken out past his muzzle Anais was already leaving. Heading out through the trees with a backwards glance. Tahlia was held tightly as she cried into his chest, the father watching his eldest daughter slip further and further through the trees. The sun finally touched the horizon and suddenly his girl vanished just as she ran behind an oak. Was it a trick of the light or some other unknown mystical force? He didn't know. All that he had to do now was comfort his sobbing mate beside the river, tongue soothingly applied between Tahlia's ears as she was held in a bond so tight it was one not even death could take from them.

-End Thread-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•