
California Dreamin'


03-23-2016, 12:48 AM

A little smirk touched his lips at her unexpected compliment. That was certainly not something he had ever expected to hear in reference to himself. Him? Amazing? Well, maybe if she was talking about him in some reference to sex he would believe her, but for anything else there was just no possible way. But... Somehow, as he searched her face in return, he kind of wanted to believe it. Was this what it was like? Caring enough about someone to want them to feel better?

He listened while she explained what little she seemed to know about what had happened to her to cause her not being able to have pups. He watched her thoughtfully, trying to figure out what it must be like to actually want pups. He had gone out of his way to avoid risking getting anyone pregnant for so long that it was hard for him to imagine actually wanting them. Her apology pulled him away from his thoughts and he focused on her face again. He gave a little shake of his head and said, "Don't apologize. You can't control your dreams. I'm way too familiar with that to blame you." He paused, glancing away from her for a moment before bringing his focus back to her eyes once again. He was hesitant when he spoke, but he was truthful in his sentiments. "I've never wanted pups and I've gone to great lengths to avoid getting anyone pregnant. I just... I've never trusted myself to not be like my father. But... If I could give them to you I would."

"Talk" "You" Think