
California Dreamin'


03-23-2016, 09:29 PM

He honestly had expected her to be disgusted with him after what he told her. He thought she'd get up and leave at the very least. He stared at the ground while the silence stretched on, the seconds ticking by beginning to feel like hours. His ears flicked from surprise when suddenly her nose brushed his jaw, her teeth nibbling at his cheek. What was she doing? Why wasn't she leaving? He finally pulled up his gaze when she kissed at his neck and chest, the feeling making a soft murr resonate in his chest. It wasn't often that he got little signs of affection like that. He showered women with licks and nibbles all the time when he was with them because he loved to pamper them, but he felt like it was very rare for him to get the same treatment.

She straightened up and his eyes met hers once again and he searched them desperately for any sign that everything she was saying was a joke or a lie. He wanted her to start laughing and say that it was a joke and that she was going to leave and go home to her pack now. He wanted her to shun him and leave. But that wasn't what happened. She kept insisting there was some good in him and that he didn't have to follow what his past had set out for him. He felt like his own chest was strangling him. The only thing that gave him any relief was her touch as she leaned forward to press her nose to his. A shuddering sigh left his lips at her slight touch before she began to speak again. Her head turned away and he wanted to reach out and press himself to her, but he restrained himself while she continued. His lips twitched with a smirk when she mentioned that she was a little crazy despite his insistence that she wasn't. They were both crazy.

He saw her glance toward him and the slightest curve of a smile touched his lips in return. "No one... No one has ever said anything like that to me before. I've never been... special to anyone," he rumbled after a moment of hesitation. He finally gave into his craving to touch her, leaning forward to brush his muzzle and cheek against hers, leaning his head into her neck and nuzzling his face into the fur there. A sigh of relief passed his lips and he closed his eyes for a moment. He had always used sex and physical touch as a coping mechanism or a distraction, but this felt different. He couldn't put a name to this feeling... This pure relief and... happiness? Was that what this was? He nibbled at her scruff and nuzzled her neck as he shifted closer, his chest pressing to hers. "If there really is anything left in this shell of a wolf you can have it... I'm still not sure I believe that its there, but if you can see it then it must be true. If you want what shreds of me are left then I'm yours."

"Talk" "You" Think