
Sharpen Your Blades, Keep Them Ready



3 Years
03-24-2016, 11:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Miksa listened nervously as Surreal addressed them all. He had hoped to hear more about the spars previously made for Legionary ranks, still so anxious to learn the outcome, but instead his leader began by addressing the lack of further practice the pack had been making toward improving their fighting skills as a whole. Beneath the fur of his cheeks, the white wolf blushed, embarrassed and ashamed to realize that she was right. All this time he could have been practicing, working to better himself for the trade he was so determined to follow, and yet he had let his nervousness get the better of him. Instead of fighting, he fretted, and instead of training, he troubled himself with thoughts of the worst. I have to change that, he vowed in that instant, promising himself that he would put forth more effort in the days to come.

His thoughts were consumed with prepping himself for an eventual spar in the near future, and it was distractedly that he heard his name spoken. His bright yellow eyes shot upward at his grey-furred leader and fixed on her with a touch of apparent worry, but to his absolute surprise she promoted him on the spot. Legionary? I'm a Legionary? Could it happen just like that? Was this really happening? Miksa continued to stare for a few seconds in stunned silence, unable to process the news fast enough, and he stammered once before managing to get out a quiet, "Thank you," still not entirely believing the situation. He was a Legionary. I'm a Legionary.

The white wolf was still reeling from the news as the meeting went on, another wolf - a daughter of the alphas if he remembered correctly - promoted to Legionary alongside him. Briefly his gaze turned in her direction, but his thoughts were still on his own good fortune. It was a weight off of his shoulders, one less thing for him to worry about, but many more added worries to take their place. Now he really needed to train and work on bettering his fighting skills, and he would need to begin sparring on a much more regular basis. The thought intimidated him, but not enough to dissuade him from his path. Surreal made me a Legionary, he thought, surprised even as he used the title in reassurance, I can do this.

Friendly spars between the pack were encouraged, and to prove it the Archangel broke them into pairs right there to begin their first spars as a whole. Zuriel. Miksa looked about until his black-rimmed eyes fixed on the wolf in question - unsurprisingly another member of Surreal's immediate family - and nodded once in understanding. He was nervous, undoubtedly, but he felt comfortable if not confident at the prospect of fighting. As the group began to break off, splitting into their respective pairs, the timid boy spared a glance at Varda, offering a small smile of encouragement, and then tried to meet Zuriel's eye as he began to step away and locate a spot that they could practice their spar away from their packmates.