
Captivate me



9 Years
03-25-2016, 02:46 AM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2016, 03:00 AM by Xephyris.)

Xephyris hesitated a moment when she didn't follow him, instead looking at him with frustration and confusion. It seemed that the language barrier was getting to her as well, and she didn't know what he was asking of her. Did she think that he was taking his leave so soon? He smirked as he looked at her and shook his head. He wasn't leaving without her. He nudged his head again, hoping she would understand that he was beckoning her to join him in a slow walk. At last she gave it a shot and came to his side, rubbing herself against him. He let out a contended groan, pressing into her slightly as her coat mixed with his. It all felt so right. More than their coats would mix, of course - their scent began to blend, something he certainly would not resist.

Without any haste, Xephyris would lead her along the lake's edge, letting her lean into him as they walked side by side. As they walked together, he was sure he heard her murmur something softly in that ever-intriguing language she spoke, but he was at a loss. What had she said? He took a deep breath to discourage his frustration from building. He didn't want his anger to ruin his time with Soleil. He may not understand her words fully, but her presence was everything. He'd never felt such a strong desire to just be with someone. The warmth of her coat brushing against his sent shivers throughout his body, so enjoyable he didn't wish for it to end.

He closed his eyes as he walked, his muzzle turning to brush against the side of her neck and the back of her left ear as they moved side by side. Every time that he touched her he felt more comfortable, more relaxed. At first he'd been uncertain, worried that he would scare her off, but the closer they got, the less he feared scaring her away. His nose touched the soft fur behind her ear, and he murred softly. Then, suddenly, he felt a wave of excitement flood over himself, so he pranced several paces ahead, breaking the physical contact between them. He whipped around quickly to face her, his elbows bending low and his tail waving high in the air. It was an uncharacteristically playful movement, but he couldn't help himself in this moment.

This feeling of elation was so new to him, he didn't know what to do. Nothing he did felt natural to him, but it didn't feel wrong, either. Oh, what was he supposed to do? Eventually, he would have to part ways with her. He had to go home to Fiori. But how could he convey that to her without hurting her? He shoved the nervous thought to the back of his mind, instead reveling in her closeness, although in the back of his mind he knew he would somehow have to convey his message to her. He couldn't stay away from home forever. Was she interested in pack life? What was he supposed to do if she wasn't? He couldn't leave her, but he couldn't shirk his duties either. Conflict raged through his body but he did everything in his power not to show it.

Bowed playfully in front of her, his long and bushy tail would wave slowly back and forth, hoping she would join him in a silly game, even if only for a moment. Truly, the only thing on his mind was Soleil, yet he was jumping to far ahead and forgetting to focus on the present moment. Perhaps her presence would help to bring him back to the present moment between them, bring him back from thinking so far ahead. So, he hoped she would join him, his elbows bent and rump waggling in the air.

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