

Medusa i


5 Years
06-12-2013, 06:54 PM

The words set a fire through the woman, because this was Jupiter. Jupiter who was strong and beautiful and who didn?t go around and tease everyone under the sun. She was the type of woman who could be raped, the type of woman who people would grieve for. And yet she let none of it show; instead remaining somewhat closed off. "If he would try to do that to someone like you, he does not deserve either of his heads," she spoke with cold judgment. If it had been her he?d tried such a thing with the story would be different; Medusa was not a woman worthy of bloodshed. She listened closely as the russet woman described her disadvantage. The serpent snorted, shaking her head from side to side. She wanted to tell her vixen to not fight, to stay behind, to let her take care of the bastard. Jupiter mattered to people, mattered to everyone, but nobody would mourn Medusa?s death. And yet she could not do such a thing; the woman?s mind was made up. "Then go for his balls and don?t let him get anywhere close to pinning you down," she said.
The Sol would move closer, licking at the wounds Medusa had delivered to herself. It was a seal of the bond from Medusa?s perspective, and she would dip her head, accepting the ties she?d just offered. "How could I not speak them? You have ruined me my dear. If I had a heart, it would belong to you," she confessed. She felt so vulnerable saying them, and so did not put much emotion behind the important words she had spoken. Oh how she longed to earn a place within her vixen?s heart, to own the love of the woman. Medusa could not care if she went off and had children with half of the kingdom, but she wanted Jupiter?s affection, wanted that love for herself. And yet she would not ask for it; she was a selfish being by nature, but this was the one instance in which she could not think only of herself. To ask for something like that would be terrible for Jupiter; the alpha deserved more than a dried-up whore with no capacity for love.
She spoke again, detailing her fears if she should pass. "I will wretch his bitch?s crown from her head,?she announced. It was for the best; if she would steal the pack, she could get away from her vixen, from her perfect life. The life that Medusa would only ever ruin, the happiness she would only steal away in her jealousy. "Do not worry about her," she spoke with confidence. She did not believe her vixen would be killed, perfectly confident in the woman, but she knew that if she did die she would be destroyed. If Medusa could at least secure a pack on her quest for vengeance in case of the worst, she could easily burn the souls of those she wished to tear apart.