
Grab me



9 Years
Athena I
03-26-2016, 01:28 AM

Leo appreciated his nephew's insistence that everyone wouldn't blame him for wanting to clear his head. He was sure that Riv was right and in a perfect world he would take some time to himself and try to work through this whole mess. Unfortunately it just wasn't that simple. He wished Svetlana would just walk back into the den one day like nothing was wrong. He wouldn't even be mad, he wouldn't hold anything against her. He just wanted her to come home and know that she was okay. He wanted that for himself and his children.

He couldn't help but smile a little at Riv's offers. He chuckled softly as he replied, "I trust you very highly, nephew of mine, but I don't know that I would want to leave Fiori and my pups in your paws for more than a few hours." He paused, considering it, "I would appreciate having another option for a pup sitter though from time to time if you're willing. I feel terrible leaving Athena and Amalia to the task all the time when they have two of their own to look after. Although I'm sure Bright Moon would be happy to do it too." A sad smile touched his lips as he added, "They're not going to need someone to watch them for too much longer though. They're growing so fast."

"But as far as a search party goes..." he continued, sighing with a little shake of his head. "I don't want to worry anyone else with this. It's not your job or anyone else to keep up with my wife... I've searched all the areas around the pack's lands and I haven't even found traces of her scent. I'm afraid it would be a waste of your time and energy to search for her. I'll just have to pray that she comes back... Maybe I can go looking further for her once the pups are older." He paused, hesitating before he finally added, "A couple of days after she vanished I made a trip to Yfir... Svetlana's brother lives there so I thought she might have gone there. There was no luck there either. Katja told me that Svetlana's mother had some kind of madness and would leave without much notice... I don't want to believe that is what's happened to Svet, but what if it is?"

"Talk" "You" Think