
I Spy



5 Years
03-26-2016, 03:23 AM

Still no word from the girl. He couldn't help but to briefly frown at this. He had been hoping for more chattery company, at least a few words here and there if she was so shy. Sometimes he forgot she was even there. It wasn't until his bronze eyes would stray from his planting to realise the girl was still standing there, an inquisitive look upon her blue features. At least she was looking at him and seemingly taking an interest in what he was doing, even if she didn't respond to his queries or raise any of her own. Did she understand what he was saying? Well, even if she didn't, he was providing her with a visual aid. Surely she was getting something out of it?

As he finished meticulously patting the dirt around his alfalfa, loose soil began to rain on his pelt. Swivelling his head in surprise, he found no other than the blue girl herself exuberantly digging a hole alongside him. A few chuckles shook his body at the heartwarming sight, his beaming grin broadening. He didn't expect the silent girl to be so eager to help out. Perhaps he had underestimated her from the beginning. "Very good," he praised. "Not too deep though." He then nosed the alfalfa, hoping the girl would finish her digging and begin planting. If she needed any help, he would be there to assist in any way possible, not that he thought she would say anything.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*