



2 Years
03-26-2016, 08:32 AM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2016, 08:33 AM by Dagmær.)

Dagmær was pleased to hear that Mrcy wouldn't get in the way of her delivering the final blow to the Man Who Smells Funny.  Good, good.  She appreciated the others offer of help and would leave his nefarious minions to Mercy's less-than-merciful jaws.  Dag grinned at the older woman's next question, chest puffing with pride. "You bet!  She's my grandmother.  My daddy told me of all her legends from slaying bears to rising through the ranks of numerous packs.  I hope to be a great warrior like her one day." Dag suddenly paused as she glanced at Mercy.  "Wait… did you know my grandma?"  It hadn't occurred to her that anyone might still know her namesake and then she froze as if she'd been struck.  IMPERIUM!   Of course!  This was the pack her grandmother was living in before she fell in the Battle of the Bears.  How had she forgotten?

Emerald eyes tipped toward the sky and she felt a spreading of warmth in her chest.  So her grandmother's spirit was guiding her?  That had to be it.  Of all the packs she could've been rescued by it was her grandmother's former pack.  She was on the right path.  I'm coming for you dad…

Dagmær beamed at Mercy's praise, head turning just slightly to the side in embarrassment.  She was quite sure why, maybe because it was so much harder to earn her father's praise but she wasn't complaining.

Dag quickly reset her defenses as she eyed Mercy.  Best move against Mercy?  Well, against a larger opponent she'd try to turn the others strength against them and wait for them to attack.  Dagmær grinned. "I'd wait for you to attack then use your strength and momentum against you."  She glanced at the other, body tensing and ready to spring. "Or are you suggesting this is a case where I would have to make the first move?"


ooc:  sorry for the wait!  I can have her make a fight move in my next post, just been struggling with fight muse and didn't want you to wait any longer.