
A Hole in the Sky, A Hole in the Earth

Rœkia T


4 Years
03-26-2016, 03:47 PM

Rœkia eyes Wolf with amusement. She knew the magpie had trouble controlling himself around shiny objects. He used to relentlessly collect them and hoard them in her den until she got frustrated and started throwing all the objects out and scattering them around. He was furious and wouldn’t speak to her for weeks. Slowly they managed to work at his obsession but anything that glittered still caught his eye. Rœkia’s ears perked at the mention of the word “thief” and she eyes the other woman for a moment. Was she a thief? It was hard to believe and not because of the klutzy-ness. What kind of thief admitted she was one outright to a complete stranger? Unless she thought she could take Rœkia and the knowledge didn’t matter. Course it was also odd for a thief to wear bells. Rœkia’s head tipped to the side and she smiled softly. “A thief, hm? Do you always begin conversations with your profession? Some wolves might not appreciate your line of work. Don’t worry though, I’m not one of them.” Rœkia had stolen more than her fair share of items in her life.

Rœkia eyed the scarf as the woman moved around to secure it. Why was that scrap of cloth so important? The woman introduced herself as Jaelle. “I’m Magpie, this is Wolf. I’m not from around here no but I travel everywhere.” She didn’t bother to mention that she was herb hunting, not with a thief around. “Tell me, are you the kind of thief that steals out of necessity or for the thrill of it?” Wolf suddenly dove forward, beak parting as he attempted to seize the bells on Joelle’s tail and yank them off. Rœkia let out a peel of laughter. “Oh Wolf! Behave yourself!”