
I wanna get better



9 Years
Athena I
03-26-2016, 10:48 PM

He hated feeling like he had made his sister cry, but he knew it wasn't him that had made her like this. It was this whole tricky situation. It wasn't something that he had ever imagined would happen, but it had and now all they could do was clean up the aftermath. Leo would give Ama all the time she needed, waiting patiently for her to get to her paws again, watching as she sniffled and gathered up the herbs she had been collecting from their storage place. He winced as she began her work, but he held still so he wouldn't disrupt her. It felt like hardly anything compared to the pain of actually getting those wounds, but they were still very tender either way.

He gave a small shake of his head when Amalia said that Bacchus should have just come home if he wanted them. "No, I'm sure Bacchus knew that he could have come home, but he clearly didn't want to live with me, or anyone I'm sure, being an alpha over him. As long as you and Athena are living in Fiori he couldn't have you." It was a harsh truth, but it was how he saw it. Bacchus wasn't the same wolf that he had been before he left with Absinthe. Part of him felt a little guilty because he had been the one that had told the two of them they could leave on their adventure all that time ago. But he knew that even if he hadn't given them permission they could have still left on their own accord. The only thing that held wolves to a pack was their word. When she smiled at him and thanked him he gave her a slight smiled and replied, "No need to thank me, Ama. I'm just telling you the truth as I see it. You watch out for all of us here so often. You deserve to be cared for too."

"Talk" "You" Think