


03-27-2016, 08:08 PM

Liviana's paws carried her carefully around the edge of one of these odd pools, her pale purple gaze fixed on one of the carcasses stuck near the center of it. She wasn't sure what this place was or why it existed, but it didn't take an idiot to figure out that this stuff was bad news. The animal that clearly hadn't had the cognitive function to figure that out itself finally passed out of her view and her gaze came back to the ground in front of her. Her tail swayed from side to side as she walked. At least this place was more interesting than that last forest she had lingered in. There was something to look at and ponder over if nothing else. She couldn't give this place much more complements than that, but it was better than nothing.

Her ear twitched as a faint touch of another wolf's scent made it over the scent of these sticky pools and caught her attention, lifting her gaze to the slate-blue hued male in question. Her brow quirked with curiosity as she paused to watch him pick up a stick and then proceed to stick one end of it into the black goo. She changed directions to make her way over to him, watching all the while as he pulled the stick back and the blackness dribbled slowly off the end of the stick. "What is that stuff?" she asked as she came to a stop several feet away. Her eyes lingered on the black sludge for a moment longer before coming up to the male's face, her gaze equally curious about the tar and the man across from her.

"Talk" "You" Think