
Kiss From A Rose



5 Years
03-28-2016, 01:46 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

A part of her hoped for some sort of agreement regarding how she felt about their new arrangement. It would have been a little easier to proceed, knowing Jakart understood how she felt and that she was not alone in her fears. But, of course, he did not. He equated their future as simply more of the same, such a simplistic answer but one that Callisto had yet to consider. Could it truly be nothing different at all and just more years like the last? Were their lives not drastically changed by this new relationship between them, this feeling of dependency and need? The healer was skeptical, entirely uncertain, and the gentle but wary frown on her face spoke of it. But how did she explain, how did she make him see things the way she did? How could she begin to make him understand her fear of this unknown?

Letting the topic drop, the pitch colored wolf sighed, averting her gaze downward. There was nothing to say about it anymore, and because thinking about it repeatedly was going to get her nowhere she sought the same distraction she had always gone to when her mind became her enemy. She tucked her paw and snuggled closer to the one who held her, nuzzling her head beneath his chin and closing her eyes as she did so. It was so easy to get lost in him, to let Jakart's mere presence bring all her worried, frantic pieces together into one cohesive being again. No one else had been able to do that, or at least to her knowledge no one had tried. But Jak had. Each time she began to fall apart, he was there to put her together again. Each time she felt her composure crack, he was there to give her the stability she craved.

He might not have known completely her fear, but Calli reasoned that he would make the transition as easy for her as possible. He would not push her, or demand more, than what she was willing to give. He would be passive until she asked for otherwise, until she needed otherwise. She trusted him, he who pulled at her emotions more strongly than anyone else had gotten close to doing. Her pale blue eyes blinked softly, half-lidded again as she relaxed once more into a sense of complacency. "You really are the luckiest thing to happen to me," she murmured, soft but just loud enough for him to hear. I'm lucky, Callisto repeated to herself, still struggling to comprehend it though it was so hard to deny the truth when it was currently holding her together.