
Twin Skeletons



9 Years
03-31-2016, 07:51 PM

  The man hadn't left his den much in the last several weeks, or months..he stopped counting, except to go hunting for the pack...he drug back atwo fawns the rest had been rabbits that had one or two small bites taken out of them for himself. Since Akemi had disappeared and taken two of their children with her, Ravine's appetite and will to do much of anything had left him. The only thing he was good for now was feeding Borealis...and he could only do that when he could drag his sorry hide out of the lonely, darkness that he called den.

Today was one of those days that he'd managed to drag himself outside long enough to hunt. If it weren't for his thick russian fur coat, he was sure his ribs would be visible by now with as little as he had eaten. His stomach was starting to growl again but he had picked up no scent or trail...not o e for something he qould eat anyway.

Dull aqua orbs would scan over the large warrior woman that he had called friend. The same woman whome he would probably still have been mad at hat her fight with his entire life still mattered. There was a time he would have done anything for either woman, now he just wanted to curl up and wither away in some dark hole where no one would find him, but he didnt evem have the energy to dig the hole much less hunt anything bigger than a rabbit. Hell Avalon would be the first one to see him outside his den since Akemi had left him a mere shadow of who he had once been.

Even his voice would come out deep, tired and hollow. "Hello Avalon." his emotions were crumpled into self pitty and hatred of himself leaving a wolf who could care less about wheather ir not he would ever find someone who wouldnt abandon or betray him just ans everyone else he had ever loved or called family. Akemi had cut him deaper than enyone else ever had, he would never forgive her for such a betrayal.
