
[M] You're Where I Belong



7 Years
03-28-2016, 01:59 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2016, 02:00 PM by Surreal.)

With sparring partners assigned for the season, and the Fight Training session over, Surreal had chosen to lead Falk off to the den. She led him, keeping her hip at his nose, her tail playfully draping over his head, the last five inches wiggling, to one of the furthest back chambers that branched off the tunnels. The lighting was dim, coming through a hole in the ceiling. Ferns and other lush greens grew wild, moss springy under paw. It was a perfect, secluded little get away.

The Archangel wasted no time in casting aside her leadership mantel and shifting to being simply Surreal; Surreal was in love, in heat, and her eyes were for the larger russet timber alone, even if he couldn't see to return the gooey eyed smile she was giving him. The spar had fired her blood, and she was itchy to play. To romp like two year olds again for a while before returning to her duties as the Alpha, and she made it known by the purring rumble as she turned, leaning her body into Falk's chest and nibbling along his jaw. " I missed you." He had kept to himself so much. He was always there, yet it felt like she never saw him enough.

When Regulus turned three, she would give the pack to him, she decided. She was more than satisfied with the start she had given the pack, more than ready to settle down into retirement, and a few more litters. Starting now. She would be ready to birth when Regulus stepped up.

"Falk..." Her nose was buried in her mate's ruff. His scent was intoxicating; a perfect compliment to her own. That fire in her belly sparked and roiled, threatening to become an inferno. And damned if she wasn't feeling a little... impatient.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.