



6 Years
03-29-2016, 05:31 PM
He couldn't begin to still his racing heart, could barely swallow against the overwhelming emotion that surged through him. Which was...strange. Emotion, albeit sometimes overly strong, was never overwhelming for him. He could handle every tear, every bit of sadness, every ounce of anger. But this...this was panic, this was happiness, this was anxiety and sadness. Especially as she stayed where she was, dripping on the cold hard ground and staring at him. He could feel the heat of her eternal flame at his paws, and he wondered how painful the burns would be this time. Slowly he took a deep breath as he spoke, his head nodding slowly. He knew she was mad at him, he knew that she was rarely happy with life. They were the closest of all their siblings, tied only with his and Glacier's closeness, and yet they often seemed at odds. Two different heats facing one another. One fast, the other all consuming. And yet he couldn't take back or apologize for the things she was mad at him for. All he could do was watch her, drinking in her appearance here before him, waiting and watching for why she had come home. If she was still mad at him, then why was she here.

Concern crossed his face then, eyes wide as he stared at her. "What's wrong?" He asked, voice deep and concerned, demanding an answer. If she was sick, they could heal her. If she was hurt, they could fix her. If she was threatened, he would rip the throat from anyone that could threaten her. Possessiveness surged through him, and he took a step forward, but suddenly she was there, throwing her body against him and pushing into his chest. Without a thought he sat on his haunches and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her tightly against him. He rested his nose into her neck fur, searching passed the water-logged scent for what was wrong.

"Burn Baby Burn"