
Second Chances



5 Years
03-31-2016, 01:03 PM

With the current incident settled, in all of it's entirety, as the serval found itself busy with the carcass of the deer, Jakart glanced at Belladonna to double check that the cat was alright. No worse for wear it seemed, no less small in size or reduction in the she cats glare. Callisto remarked that the sooner the three, or was it four now, of them went north and back to the fjord the more convenient it would be. All the debris was likely washed away or easy to maneuver around, yes, now was a good time. Also let his brothers and sisters know that he was alright as soon as he got back.

And he was about to set off, contemplating grabbing a quick bite from the deer before deciding that it didn't really matter that much. His hunts were usually successful and it was more for Callisto's benefit than his own hunger. The serval, Narcisomethingoranother, was busy eating the stolen kill anyway. With a sigh Jakart looked north, then back at Callisto just as she spoke. The words rang true in his ears and knowing her she wasn't the type to idly joke about such a thing. But she revealed she was pregnant. It almost struck him as funny. So many times he had helped with her season that this one coupling they share resulted in such an announcement.

Jakart felt his chest tighten as he inhaled, mind racing. He would be a father. have responsibilities and worries of feeding and caring for wiggling pups. Jakart let out a whine as he turned and brought his paws came around his lovers neck. Licking and nuzzling his lifelong partner he planted a kiss on her cheek before breaking away to where their noses almost touched. "Alright. North. Ummm." He began before losing his train of thought. Overwhelmed didn't quite cover how Jakart was feeling, asking eagerly now that this news was still repeating through his head. "Wanna head out now?" His tail wagged back and forth, rump following suite. Jakart was still shocked. Fully of joy and eagerness. He made up his mind that he would first tell his buried parents before telling his siblings as another kiss was planted on Callistos lips.

"Talk" "You" Think "Companion"