
A place inside my mind



6 Years

04-02-2016, 01:14 AM

Esarosa chuckled again when she heard his puppy growl. He was clearly very annoyed, which tickled her pink inside. Raising a brow in amusement as he had his little outburst, stomping his paw, she could barely hold back a laugh, her lips pursed together as she snickered. "Ha! You think adults are bad?" she questioned, tossing her head dramatically with a roll of her emerald eyes, "Try having to deal with kids!" She eyed him then, feeling like she was dealing with a little brother. Somehow, she didn't think he was going to like being called a kid, even though he said he didn't like adults. Maybe he just didn't like anyone.

An actual laugh escaped her at his gawking stare of disbelief as she suggested she'd turn him into a servant. He didn't seem to enjoy that idea very much, continuing to put up an attitude. "Well, I'm older than you and I'm bigger than you," she said with an exasperated sigh, "So actually, I can make you do whatever I want, unless you wanna get squished. Besides, it doesn't look like your mom's around to do anything about it." Okay, so she was definitely not good baby-sitter material, and probably wasn't the best role model to teach a pup about respect. But she was sure she'd get him to talk to her, and maybe convince him that she wasn't so bad. And maybe, just maybe, he wasn't so bad underneath the layers of adult-hating stubbornness.

Esa watched as the boy got up and stomped past her, refusing to tell her who he was. He plopped his rump down and turned only to stick out his tongue at her once more before pointedly turning his nose up. A devious grin crossed her maw, mischief twinkling in her deep green eyes. Ever so slowly and quietly, she prowled toward him, suddenly pouncing toward his unguarded tail, trying to catch it under outstretched forepaws. She readied herself to leap out of reach if he whipped around. "Probably shouldn't turn your back on me," she taunted, her tail waving, "Tell me who you are, already!" If she couldn't force him to do what she wanted, then she would just have to annoy him to death until she found out who he was.

"Speak" "Listen" Think