
Fall Into Me {Pack Meeting}



7 Years

04-03-2016, 12:04 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2016, 12:06 PM by Lillianna.)
She came at a bad time. Oh gods did she come at a bad time. Frozen a few feet away, Lillianna watched in abject horror as Finch snapped at the woman who was her mother. She had... not expected to come to the meeting and witness this. Everything had been fine, she had woken up, was heading towards the meeting and then this. She was not prepared to witness this. And it was less Wren randomly appearing after seasons and more... Finch being angry. Finch being hurt. Anger darkened her eyes, and when Bass snapped, she gave Wren a dirty look. How dare the woman not be there for Finch! How dare she hurt Lillie's friend, her own daughter. How dare Wren cause the one thing Lillianna never expected to see: Finch upset and angry. Finch walked away... and paused, once, to look back - it was in that moment Lillianna felt her heart break; oh, the look of sorrow on Finch's face was too much to bear. Scampering after Finch, she scooted close enough just to hear Civetta's words. Aiming to press against the taller woman's body, Lillianna sighed. Farrym hopped down from Lillianna's back and rubbed against Finch's paws, purring softly, attempting to comfort the girl and Lillianna smiled at the kitten. "I'm here too, Finch. We all are, I promise." She sighed again, looking down. She suddenly felt regretful, guilty - she hadn't visited Finch when she was wounded. "I'm sorry," she whispered. Would Finch know what she was apologizing for? Probably not. Hopefully Finch wasn't angry at her, too.

"Speech" "Language" "Farrym"
Art by Engravedinsilver
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.