
Hats, masks and other weird things



6 Years

04-03-2016, 06:22 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2016, 06:23 PM by Esarosa.)

Esa smirked, amused by the brute as he shrugged and casually said he didn't know what it was. He didn't know the answer to her other question either. Silence overcame her for just a moment as she wondered why this strange wolf was trying so hard to dig up something he knew nothing about. What for? Perhaps just to look at it? Or maybe he knew what it was and he was just messing with her. Snickering to herself, she perked her ears as he stepped back and offered to give her a chance to have a look at it. Now, why was she interested in it? She supposed she didn't really know either.

The midnight-coated woman stepped forward carefully, then reached forward with her nose to touch the object. It definitely wasn't natural. Drawing in several short, quick breaths through flared nostrils, the metallic tang made her nose wrinkle up in disgust. She brushed her tongue against her front teeth as though trying to rid a foul taste from her mouth. "That's definitely a human thing," she concluded as she pulled back and seated herself, looking up at her acquaintance. Not that it mattered what the object was, or where it originated. And she didn't really know what humans were, except from the stories told by the elders of her birth pack - all she knew was that humans were powerful, frightening animals that walked on their hind legs. But they weren't scary because of extra large fangs or horrendous claws, no - in fact, they hardly even had hair - it was the objects they created, just like the 'thing' firmly stuck in the ground in front of the two wolves.

"So, why are you trying so hard to dig it up, anyways?" she asked, her lips pulling into a grin, "Especially if you don't know what it is? It's not edible, so what good is it?" Her head canted to the side, ears flicking curiously as she watched his expression, wondering what he was thinking.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]