
Apologies Aren't Enough [Disbanding]



2 Years
04-03-2016, 06:51 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2016, 07:24 AM by Ren.)
He had failed Borealis - he tried, he failed, and he just... didn't think it was worth it anymore. Even with the new wolves that joined him... it was all weighing so heavily on him. His mother, gone. Sister, gone. Where? He didn't know. And Zephyra... that hurt most of all to the yearling. Seeing his sister run off like that, her words echoing in his ears.

It wasn't really her fault - no, it was his. He was the one who stayed, who promised to be by his mother's side, and be there for his sisters.

He failed.

He sighed heavily, sitting outside his den. He knew what he had to do - he knew what he should do. He should release all of his pack from this misery and worthlessness, and let them go wherever again. He would apologize to them, for his failure as an alpha and the disappointment that he must have wrought.

If only he could start over, with his mother by his side. But that wasn't possible, was it? He knew she was gone, and that she was not going to return. Would Kaitlyn? Time could only tell. But he didn't think so for that, either.

Nixie was really the only one left, and she was a bit absent - and fr that, he felt like an awful older brother. He ought to spend more time with family... and less worrying about this.

His decision made, his head tipped back and he let out a howl. This howl spoke of everything - the release of the wolves of Borealis, and the sorrow he felt at doing this. It was hard, beyond hard even, to make that decision, but now it was too late to go back on it.

Within days, the scents on the borders will fade. Within months, it will be like Borealis never existed.
