
Fall Into Me {Pack Meeting}



7 Years
Extra large

04-03-2016, 10:04 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2016, 06:22 AM by Nyx.)
Lark wasn't necessarily okay with the state of Abaven. He was disappointed in a lot of things - and in himself. His relationship with his siblings had grown strained, though with Finch he was still quite close; his mother had been gone for some time now, and the passion that had once burned bright in his chest had seemed to have faded. He cared about his pack, he really did; but did everyone else? He already felt a bit down about this meeting. Why had his father called it on such a dreary day? It wasn't pouring, but the light rain was enough to irritate him, and he scowled a bit as he slid from his den and into the elements. His brows furrowed as the large man glanced up at the cloudy sky, examining it for a moment before heading towards the gathering.

Quite a few had arrived already, and he would slow his approach as they entered his vision. One of the first wolves he noticed was.. his mother. Already feeling a bit uneasy about the meeting to begin with, he felt his heart sink in his chest. Where the hell had she been? Through Finch's poisoning, through everything? She had left them before, and now she was back. Why now? What had changed? He frowned, his expression visibly discontent. He noted that Sandpiper had arrived, and so had Tinaro and.. Finch, looking visibly upset. Quickly he would move to sit by her, his snout pressing firmly against her shoulder to calm her. Though he'd missed her words, she didn't seem okay. It took him a moment to realize Lillianna was at her other side - and not knowing whether to greet her or attempt to seek her gaze, he would quietly tilt his head toward the earth and wait for whatever was to come, his tail curling absently about his forepaws.