
This is How it Goes



9 Years
04-03-2016, 10:10 PM

A grin parted his maw as the younger man joked that he probably shouldn't fall asleep there near the water. It was indeed a good yet obvious piece of advice; Xephyris was glad that the young male had interrupted him from dozing off near the hot pools of water. Even if he didn't fall in, it still didn't seem like the greatest idea. It was simply too humid around here to get any good sleep, and one could acquire a respiratory infection if they stayed too long in the hot steam. As Riv went on to apologize for not seeking him out sooner, Xephyris merely shrugged and shook his head. No matter, he could take care of himself. "Family business is important, I know it comes before anything else," he murmured in response, quieting again so he could listen further.

He couldn't help the twitch at the tip of his tail when Rivaxorus mentioned that he had claimed a mate - his feelings were mixed about such a match, as his impression of Zephyra was not exactly favorable. But if the man loved her, then there was nothing he could say, so instead he would nod in acknowledgement. And mutter a brief word, "Congratulations," he rumbled, grinning slightly. Now he knew he must hold Zephyra in higher regard than ever, hard as it may be. Both Riv and Zeph were young, so their commitment to one another was a big deal, something that didn't happen often.

Then mention of Riv's plans for his own pack came out. Xephyris had always imagined that Riv would work towards leadership, since that very first mention of it when they'd met seasons ago. Riv had asked Xephyris, hypothetically at the time, if he would follow. He hadn't been sure back then, but he was now. His curiosity obviously piqued, his gray and white brows would raise, a smirk crossing his maw. "At last, you're seeking the power you've always been drawn to," he said with great approval in his tone, "Have you thought of a name for your pack? Where will we set up base? And who else will be amongst us? Zephyra, of course, but who else?" He was so interested now that he could hardly answer the younger man's question as how he'd been lately - the answer would be horridly boring compared to what Rivaxorus would tell him next.

"Talk" "You" Think