


04-03-2016, 10:28 PM

Liviana wasn't entirely surprised when Valentine spoke of the cowardly packs in these lands. It had been much the same with the packs around her own back home. It seemed that the faint of heart were everywhere. She appreciated this man's honestly, though she had to wonder how much of it was just talk and how much of it was truth. She wasn't one that could be easily won over with words. She had no reason to doubt him for now though. After all, only the ignorant had his kind of confidence without some kind of substance to back it up. "It seems that everywhere has its cowards," she commented with a chuckle.

He mentioned the pack that he lead and her ears perked with interest. "Is that so?" She smiled and assessed him once again. Tall, dark, and handsome with a pack behind him to boot. Interesting. It didn't change how she interacted with him much though. She had never taken much stock in titles. Her respect grew straight from skills on the battlefield, it always had. She had a feeling he had some bite to back up his words, but she'd believe it when she saw it. "Well, how lucky of your pack to have someone so confident in its strength leading it. A pack is only as strong as its leader."

"Talk" "You" Think