
Are You A Saint Or A Sinner? [M]


06-12-2013, 08:06 PM
This was such an interesting place. There were so many unclaimed lands to explore. Perhaps many that had never been bathed in blood. Lucky them that Demyan had shown up to paint them nice and pretty with the blood of the unlucky. He'd only been in this new place barely a day and he was already wandering around like he owned the place. Mind him, he wasn't stupid enough to go waltzing around into claimed territories and prove the wrath of a territorial alpha. Although the concept was very tempting and not to mention sounded like a very entertaining thing, the gargantuan brute had other things on his mind, aside from his favorite past time of course; Cataleya. The little devil. She was a sinful little creature, finding pleasure in the killing of others as well as other things involving her only living sibling. The siblings had an interesting relationship, one outsiders would probably consider taboo, given that it wasn't the norm for society. But how else could they when they've spent every waking moment together, -not counting the times Cataleya escaped his clutches of course- with no one else but themselves for company. He was a man and she a woman. They couldn't help the way they were hard-wired. The world be damned if they thought their relationship with unnatural. They could always have a nice little chat with him and his pearly twins. He didn't mind.

Cyan windows were attentive as his massive paws carried him to a new area, this one a beach unlike the willows of the prior day. It was a very unique looking beach, not light and sandy like he'd been told about before during his puphood. This one was dark, void of color, the shore darker than the night itself. It attracted the hellion like a moth to a flame. It seemed like the perfect place to paint with blood. And then something interesting caught his eye. The sun was just beginning to set, its retreating rays skimming across the surface of the obsidian beach, setting the midnight stones afire. Not literally of course, but the color reflecting off of them was truly magnificent. Demyan walked towards the water's edge, his grey paws nearly disappearing within the darkened shore. He stopped after several paces, the icy water lapping at his heels as he allowed his eyes to fall again to the shore, watching as the reflecting lights danced across his steel-colored pelt, drawing flames across his torso. He laughed, a cynical, throaty sound. Fire on him. What an idea. But within seconds the novelty of the beach began to wear off and Cataleya was back at the forefront of his thoughts. He wanted his sister and he wanted her now. She was smart not to deny him her presence. The giant of a boy tilted his skull back towards the darkening heavens, pale lips parting as a rumbling call erupted into atmosphere, calling forth his sister. It echoed over the landscape as he dropped his head back, cyan occs dancing across the beach, awaiting her familiar light grey figure to appear, midnight dipped plume swaying between his hocks as he waited with measured patience.